Mystic Burning
Mystic Burning
Salutary Lessons – in the USA
“Don’t come too close to me“, the teacher said, “Unless you’re prepared to be burnt.“ John Butler ventured close, and this is what happened.
Continuing the story of his unfolding spiritual development from first beginnings to final union – burning, purging or Purgatory is always part of the process. Purging from what? From impurity, which, in spiritual terms, means the separated ego ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘mine’. It doesn’t happen all at once. It goes on till our dying day, but we can look back on our lives and see at least some of its most significant stages.
In this, his 8th book, as he faces extremes of loneliness, depression and despair amidst the hopelessness of human ‘answers’, John finds, as always, the saving grace of nature and finally, of Spirit. Irresistibly drawing the reader through day by day unfolding of actual events, the reality of natural mystic vision is revealed.
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