How dare I use this heading for a website? Because it is my whole life’s dawning realisation. Finally, in old age, I really know it’s true.
This morning, after meditation, eyes opened and I wrote:
“No need for anything but this –
Precisely where and what I am
Is life complete – surpassing bliss.
In this alone, all things belong
Where all is right and nothing wrong”.
That’s how it happens. I first read about it as a young man but now I don’t need anyone to tell me. It rises of itself from my own experience. And that’s how I write my books.
The world, the flesh and ego will deny it but, letting go un-natural restriction, naturally opens up the Spirit that I am. Here, now, I sit and realise it. Spirit, being absolute completion, includes all things as aspects of One Self. It is the fulfilment to which we all instinctively aspire.
My story is only one more witness to the same eternal destiny of all who seek and find. Through many trials, errors and layers of limitation, it describes how I gradually come to realise more fully what I am, and how to be of use. Sufficient to say, this greatest of adventures thrills me now as it did when I first started. It has become my life’s work and can only continue after death. While every journey is unique, it can be described and bring encouragement to others. So, I have published the two full sized books illustrated here and two smaller volumes of Mystic Verses, all fully detailed under publications.