At first sight, John Butler is not one to make much of an impression. Quiet, soft-spoken and usually alone, he became known – in the 1970’s – as one of the first organic farmers.
Having, throughout his life also practiced meditation, 8 years ago, at the age of 79, he was recommended to ConsciousTV, a Youtube channel, focusing on those with experience of higher consciousness. Unwilling at first to face publicity, he was later persuaded to be interviewed. This has since become the most popular item on the channel with 3.9m views.
Soon after his debut on ConsciousTV, Phil Shankland found one of John’s books in a charity book sale in Sheffield, was interested, came to see him, and then decided to move and live nearby. Encouraged by success on Conscious TV, they decided to make some videos themselves. This developed into the Youtube Spiritual Unfoldment Channel, which presently has over 230,000 subscribers and 24 million views, besides substantial followings on Facebook, Instagram, with the ASMR community and, most recently, Spotify.
How has this happened? Though brought up with Christianity and familiar with it, John follows no particular teaching but speaks entirely from his own experience, using examples from nature and simple common sense. Liking the name ‘Mr Nothing’, he suggests to his followers, ‘Feel your feet on the ground – listen and look’. Practiced with attention, this brings the mind to rest – in silence, which may then expand into stillness or peace, spaciousness, freedom and an abiding sense of spiritual presence. Traditional religious teaching that, ‘The Lord is with us’ begins to come into real life experience.
Besides farming and meditation, John has lived an extraordinarily interesting life, including much spiritual insight, emotional ups and downs, long periods in Peru, Africa and the USA besides several years in Russia, all of which have been part of the far from easy journey to where he is now. To record his adventures, he’s written no less than 10 books (9 published), starting with publication of ‘Wonders of Spiritual Unfoldment’ in September 2008. The latest ‘Mystic Love’ can be bought here.
You can preview and buy John’s books here.