The Spiritual Unfoldment Charitable Trust
is founded with the objects:
1. to preserve, publish and promote by books, videos, audios and all means possible the gifts of spiritual realisation and mystic insight as granted to John Butler;
2. to encourage spiritual work, the impulse to seek and find, by personal example, prayer and meditation, the holding of meetings and retreats or supporting other means to give access to nature, space and silence and, in particular, the natural practices of being present (feet on the ground) and using common sense (looking, listening etc,);
3. To develop realisation of and discrimination between the natural and the unnatural;
4. towards deeper understanding of the human condition (sin), its lawful consequence, the diminishing of separated ego ‘me’, the raising of spiritual consciousness, and return to the unity of all.
How can I help? As with all spiritual work:
1 – By devotion to God
2 – By personal practice – e.g. prayer, meditation, study
3 – By service to others
If you wish to support the Work of Spiritual Unfoldment you can make a donation here.
As you can imagine it takes a lot of time and some expense to make these conversations with John – over 200 so far – and produce the content for books and other channels like Facebook, Instagram and Spotify. We see it as our ‘Work’ – serving the raising of consciousness. It is very much done for love. But we also feel the love when we receive a donation – or a ‘well done’ comment.
So please consider supporting ‘The Work‘ of The Spiritual Unfoldment Trust.